
Don't Miss!

Beach Nights
Beach Nights

Bring your friends, beach items and dinner. We will provide s’mores! This is a great way to fellowship and glorify the Lord together in a public setting.

PCH & Magnolia, HB State Beach Tower #9, 5:00PM to 9:00PM

Church Camping Trip

Register for a weekend under the trees and the stars! Wonderful memories are made during this annual all-church camping experience.
Car sleepers, renters, trailers and RVers are welcome.

Registration closes on July 23!

Pray Together

Beach Bible Church—Pastor Mike Kaylani


  • We have a lot of serious health issues between our staff and elders. Prayers would be greatly appreciated. God is good and still working through us in the midst of it all.

This Week's Sermon

The End of the Matter
Eccl. 12:9-14 (page 677)