
Thank You!

Giving is one way for us to worship God and serve one another. Letting financial resources flow through us so others can experience the life-changing Christ is an exciting aspect of following Jesus.

Ways To Give

In Person

Offering bag or the box in the lobby


Click the "Give" button above or in the Church Center app

Frequently Asked Questions

Why give?

The practice of every member giving regularly to support the church dates back to the days of God’s covenant with the people of Israel. In Old Testament times, tithing was considered a first responsibility. The first tenth, known as “the first fruits,” of every person’s income and possessions belonged to God. The choicest of the first fruits of your ground you shall bring into the house of the Lord your God. (Exodus 23:19) Likewise, in the New Testament, giving to the local church was considered a basic need to support the work of telling the good news of Jesus Christ.

What's the best way to give?

The best way to give is online through Church Center. Click the Give button to set up recurring giving or give a one time gift. We encourage givers to 1. set up recurring gifts, and 2. give directly from their bank account. This way, Calvary pays the least amount of processing fees.

Is it safe for me to give using my bank account or credit/debit card?

Yes, online giving is secure. We share your concern about privacy and security issues surrounding the use of the internet for giving contributions.

We’ve outsourced the text-to-give, Church Center App, and online giving process to the professionals at Planning Center. The following statement is from Planning Center’s explanation of security:

Like any merchant that handles credit card payments, Planning Center must comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS, or PCI for short). Planning Center is a Level One compliant merchant. Our Attestation of Compliance documentation is available upon request at

In practice, we go well beyond what basic security frameworks require. For example:

  • Instead of scheduled and narrowly scoped penetration testing required by these security frameworks, we conduct ongoing penetration testing through HackerOne‘s open bounty program.
  • We use local 2-factor-auth (hardware keys, fingerprint scanners, etc) for any employee accessing customer data in the course of providing customer support.
  • Although the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies only to customers within the EU, we hold to this standard for all customers even though 95% of them are in the US
Can I access a record of my online giving?

Yes, through your Calvary Church Center account, you are able to access a record of your giving and print a report of your giving.

How much does it cost for me to give online?

There are no costs or fees for you to give online. However, Calvary Baptist does get charged processing fees when you give online. If you would like, you can cover the cost of those fees when you give. Simply check the box when you are processing your payment.